TOAST Renewed

Creatively repaired pieces for increased longevity

Our TOAST Renewed collection extends our long-standing approach to cherishing materials and honouring the hands that make our pieces.

With each one-of-a-kind item, we demonstrate how the act of mending can give clothing and soft textiles a new lease of life. TOAST Renewed is our way to shift our perspective that tears, holes and other flaws diminish the beauty of well-crafted pieces. By renewing instead of replacing, we get to cherish items for a lifetime.

“Stitching is like handwriting; everyone's technique is slightly different, as you gain in confidence, you can start trying cross stitches or turn the running stitches into little boxes.”

Jessica Smulders-Cohen, TOAST Repair Specialist

Our 2023 Social Conscience Report 

Updating you on our progress, learnings and our next steps.

Read Report